Monday to Friday.
Our teaching team
We have a unique setting which offers a great connection to the natural environment. Children are able to take part in challenging and physically active play with an array of creative and sensory experiences. Inside we have an open, expansive and inspiring learning environment, which encourages collaborative ways of working for our learners.
Tamariki at Kidsfirst Kindergartens Nuffield have freedom to explore, connect with other children and learn through play. Visitors often comment on the calm, relaxed yet busy environment they see as they come into the kindergarten. All around you will see children busy at work alongside each other, making choices for play that engage them with the people, the places and the things of our environment and community.
We support children to take a lead in their own learning journey through innovation, inquiry and hands-on learning and discovery, accessing a range of resources at Kidsfirst Nuffield that are carefully and intentionally presented to ignite thinking and exploration. Learning occurs in all spaces at the child’s pace, acknowledging the mana, wairua and mauri our tamariki bring when they come to us. Tamariki are encouraged to be mindful of and inspired by the world around them, and respectful of the environment they play and learn in.
You're always welcome here - community and connectedness are at the heart of what we do. Building trusting, caring and respectful relationships with whānau/families over time is key to our success in supporting and facilitating children’s learning. Parents and whānau contribute in many ways, with discussions about their aspirations for children, spending time with us in session, sharing their knowledge and strengths with kaiako/teachers and children and enriching our programme. The language, culture and identity of our families is highly respected and valued - whānau/ families are viewed as significant partners, and are included in our early learning journey.
You will see us out and about visiting in our local area exploring this magical setting in their role as caretakers (kaitiaki) of our environment. We have strong links with our local primary schools, which supports the transition to school for you and your child, as he/she moves on from Kindergarten.
We would recommend that you enrol initially for at least two full days – building up to five days at your child's pace. This gives our teachers time to get to know your child and gives consistency around supporting their learning.
Nau mai, tauti mai - come in any time – we’ll show you around and make you welcome!